toddler being seen by a provider at urgent care
January 15, 2025

Urgent Care for Kids: Services and When You Need Them

Having a sick or injured kid can be a scary, stressful situation for parents, and deciding when to visit urgent care for your child is never an easy choice. At Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents, we want our patients to feel informed and empowered in these situations, so their kids can get the help they need as quickly as possible.

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Common Pediatric Conditions Treated at Urgent Care

Deciding what can be treated at home and what requires medical attention is tough, but knowing which conditions are commonly treated in urgent care clinics can help you choose. Here at NHP&P, some common illnesses and injuries that we treat include:

When Should You Visit Urgent Care for Your Child?

When your child has one of the conditions listed above, you’re faced with choosing between home treatment and urgent care, and there’s not always an obvious solution. In the following cases, we encourage you to follow these guidelines, but also listen to your instincts — if you’re worried, you can always call Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents to schedule an appointment with one of our providers.

Fever: A temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a fever. An infant less than 30 days old with a fever needs to go to the Emergency Department right away. An infant 1 month to 3 months of age should be seen in the clinic, or call your primary care provider at a minimum. Anyone with a fever longer than 3-4 days should be seen in the clinic.

Sore Throat: When a sore throat is accompanied by fever, chills, headache, or stomach ache, it could be strep throat, which is treated with antibiotics. If your child’s sore throat includes these other symptoms, we recommend visiting one of our providers.

Respiratory Symptoms: Mild respiratory symptoms like cough, sore throat, sneezing, and runny nose can often be treated at home, but kids with long-lasting coughs and congestion should be seen by a provider. Anytime your child looks to be working hard to breathe, they should be seen. Severe respiratory distress needs to go to the Emergency Department.

Injury: Simple sprains, nursemaid elbows, and simple lacerations are all conditions that can be treated at an urgent care visit.

Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room: How to Decide

Once you’ve decided your child needs to be seen by a provider, you’ll need to determine what kind of care they need. If your child is experiencing mild-to-moderate, and sometimes severe, symptoms that are not life-threatening, a visit to urgent care is often the right choice. If you’re concerned your child is developing an infection (middle ear, strep, UTI) or an illness like RSV, influenza, or COVID, it’s best to get them to urgent care as quickly as possible, so that they can get the care they need.

If your child is experiencing emergency symptoms, including, but not limited to, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, severe allergic reaction, or a sudden and severe onset of symptoms, we recommend taking them to the emergency room. If the symptoms are life-threatening, call 911.

For more detailed guidance, visit our nurse triage page.

Benefits of Pediatric Urgent Care

An urgent care clinic for kids offers an experience that is specifically beneficial and customized for children’s needs. Providers who work in pediatrics can offer an urgent care visit that is empathetic to kids’ fears and expectations, ensuring that they get the best treatment possible.

At Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents, our providers know what to look for in children, and are familiar with the differences between pediatric and adult care. This specific attention can dramatically improve the quality and accuracy of your visit, helping you feel confident in the medical care your child receives.

After Your Child’s Urgent Care Visit: Next Steps

After you’ve taken your child to an urgent care clinic, it’s important to get in touch with their regular primary care provider in order to update your child’s records, and get advice from a provider who knows their history. At Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents, we offer primary care for children and adults. We can automatically share records with your primary care provider by opting in during registrations. Certain conditions may prompt your provider to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Book an Appointment Today

Does your child need pediatric urgent care? Call our office today to book an appointment with one of our experienced, friendly providers.

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