pediatric medications
February 15, 2025

Medicine Cabinet Essentials Checklist

Kids can get sick at any time — whether it’s cold and flu season or the middle of the summer. Making sure you’re stocked up on medicine cabinet essentials for kids is a great way to stay prepared for sudden illness, keeping your kids as comfortable as possible.

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Why a Well-Stocked Medicine Cabinet is a Parenting Must-Have

Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents is, first and foremost, a family-friendly clinic, so we understand how upsetting it can be when kids start to feel sick. Sometimes, an illness requires a visit to a primary care provider, but other times the best course of action is to simply let your child rest, encourage fluids, and manage symptoms from home.

In these cases, keeping your medicine cabinet stocked with items recommended by your primary care provider will help your kids feel a little better while they recover.

The Must-Have Medicine Cabinet Essentials for Kids

Colds, flu, and other viruses come with some pretty uncomfortable symptoms. Luckily, there are easily-accessible options you can buy from the store or pharmacy that are relatively simple to administer and monitor from home.

pediatric medications

Nasal Aspirator and Saline Spray:

In infants and children, a stuffy nose can be frustrating and can also impede their ability to get a good night’s rest. A nasal aspirator (or bulb syringe) can be used to gently suck mucus from the nose, providing temporary relief from the stuffy feeling. Saline spray is another effective, affordable way to find relief from a stuffy nose by thinning mucus, moisturizing nasal passages, and cleansing the nasal cavity.

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen:

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) are over-the-counter pain and fever reducers, as long as age and weight guidelines are followed. These medicines can be used to lower a fever or manage pain, keeping your child comfortable.

Immune Health Support:

Taking steps to strengthen your child’s immune system is a smart way to speed up healing and protect them from picking up another illness immediately after their recovery. Vitamin D and probiotics are two supplements that have been shown in studies to strengthen immune systems, and can be found in children’s doses at many stores and pharmacies.


Determining what kind of illness your child has (and how you should proceed in treating them) often centers around whether or not they have a fever. Keeping a working thermometer in your medicine cabinet is important. In children younger than 6 months of age, NHP&P recommends taking their temperature using a rectal thermometer.

Cough Remedies:

A cough can be both uncomfortable and unsettling when it occurs in children, and there are a few at-home methods you can use to help your child find relief. Unfortunately, cough remedies of any kind are not recommended in infants under 6 months of age, and many cough remedies are not recommended in kids under 6 years of age, due to the risk of side effects. Certain natural options like Zarbees are available for babies over 6 months and up, but it’s important to check the guidelines on the box before use. In children over 1 year of age, honey is the best cough remedy for kids who are not allergic to it. Warm beverages like caffeine-free tea can also be comforting in kids over the age of 1.

Safe Medication Storage & Expiration Date Checks

Stocking your medicine cabinet with essentials is a great way to be prepared, but it does take proper maintenance to stay as effective (and safe) as possible. Store your medicines in a cool, dry place away from the sunlight, and far out of reach of children. Be sure to keep track of the expiration date on each medication so that you’re never caught off-guard with expired medicine.

When to Call Your Primary Care Provider for Extra Care

It’s always important to trust your instincts — if you’re worried that your child needs more care than what you can provide at home, we encourage you to call us here at Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents, where our team will be happy to offer guidance, and help you schedule an appointment if it’s needed.

Some reasons to bring your child in for extra care include:

  • High-grade fever over 102°
  • Symptoms that last more than 7 days
  • Painful sore throat (especially with fever)
  • Diarrhea or vomiting for more than 24 hours
  • Rashes that have spots or discharge, or don’t clear up after several days

Download Our Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen Dosage Chart

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be powerful tools to keep at home in your medicine cabinet, but it’s extremely important to know proper dosage and age guidelines. Nebraska Home Pediatrics & Parents has a handy, easy-to-understand dosage chart available for you to download, so that you can feel confident in caring for your child at home.

Download Usage Chart